Meet the Team

Amalgam is made up of volunteers from across SSAGO and SAGGA. You can see who is on our core team below, but there will be many more helping hands that we are equally as grateful for helping us to put on this amazing event!



Catering Lead

Hi, I’m Alex and I am excited to be the catering lead for Amalgam 2022. I know how important good food (and lots of it) that everyone can enjoy is for your enjoyment of an event such as this, so that’s what my team and I are going to work hard to produce.

Our aim for the catering for Amalgam is to create food that combines the best of SSAGO and SAGGA events in a way that’s inclusive of all attendees.




Hi, I’m Charl and I’m the secretary for Amalgam! I’ve been focusing on bookings and suggesting ideas to the team to make Amalgam as fun as possible :) I am also the port of call for any questions.

My goal for amalgam- for everyone to have a lovely weekend.




Back in March 2020, Katey and I presented our vision for Amalgam to SSAGO. Fast forward 20 months it's great to see it steadily become a reality as parts start to click into place. My main focuses have been on getting the team up and running, making sure we know what needs to be done when, and generally chipping in wherever is needed; from branding to tech support!

My goal for Amalgam: For people to leave feeling inspired, invigorated and glad to be alive.




Hi I’m Ed and I’m the logistics lead for Amalgam. I'll be sorting everything logistics wise from buses to get you to activities to keeping the facilities clean. While I’m the youngest member of the committee, currently in my final year at Loughborough studying Transport and Business management, I still have nearly four years of SSAGO experience and I'm really looking forward to putting on a great event for SSAGO and SAGGA!

My goal for Amalgam is for everyone to have a great weekend, bringing together the best of SSAGO and SAGGA.



Deputy Catering Lead

Hi, I’m Elli and I’m the Deputy Catering Lead. You may remember me from ‘Meals on Wheels’ at Duck Rally! I’ve been in SSAGO since 2013 and have just moved to SAGGA. My job involves helping Alex plan the meals and snacks, and I specifically am here for all those with allergies and food sensitivities/special diets: no plain rice for us at Amalgam!

My goal for Amalgam: to ensure there’s enough filling, warm food for everyone, and to bring Meals on Wheels back for one weekend..!




Hey, my name is Josh and I am the programme lead for Amalgam. This is my first national event but I have been a member of SSAGO for 4 years whilst at Portsmouth being the social sec and chair of PUGS. I have organised many fun activities for SSAGO members and also for my Cub group, so I am looking forward to organising a fun array of off and on site activities to make the weekend memorable for all who attend.

My goal for Amalgam: Everyone has lots of fun and a large array of activities to choose from :)




Hello everyone! I’m Katey, Co-Chair of Amalgam along with Dom. This is my third national SSAGO event role and so my job involves using lots of my SSAGO know-how to facilitate cool ideas, challenging the norm and remembering how I fixed things for previous events! I’m also using my limited tech skills to run our social media accounts (if anyone knows how to use Twitter, I’d be very grateful for a lesson)!

My goal for Amalgam: To mix the old with the new - members, activities and ideas all included! Amalgam should be a collaborative event so that everyone has a fantastic time helping and learning from each other.




As treasurer, my role is to keep the books balanced in line with our aspirations for the event and ensure that Amalgam is the best value for money it can possibly be. It's been a real privilege to work with such a talented and fearless team, and I can't wait for you to join us and lend your support to define this ambitious endeavour.

My goal for Amalgam: the scale of Amalgam's vision is unprecedented, and I'm determined to see that through to make this event legendary.
